Huang Yi'an (Yuri) profile

Huang Yi'an (Yuri) information

  • Name Huang Yi'an (Yuri)
  • Zodiac Aries
  • Height 168
  • Birthday 1986-04-11
  • Measurements B86(F) W61 H89
  • Born Taoyuan County, Taiwan, China
  • Professional Singer, model, host
  • Interest Cosplay
  • Collections 1 collections
  • Views 1321

Huang Qiaoyu, once used the artistic name Huang Yi'an, nicknamed Yaoyao, Huang Yuzhu, Taiwanese artist, Taoyuan Hakka, graduated from Zhongyi Jiashang Beauty Salon. Debuted on October 3, 2005. The personality is lively and generous and slightly silly. The courage to show is not afraid of going out, often a confident look, but in all likelihood is bluffing. In the school hours, he was a member of the track and field team. I love to play Cosplay and Sudoku on weekdays. I have singles and photo albums. It is said that he loves money too much and was once jealous of his boyfriend.