Ding Guolin () profile

Ding Guolin () information

  • Name Ding Guolin ()
  • Zodiac Cancer
  • Height 165
  • Birthday 1967-06-30
  • Measurements B86(F) W64 H91
  • Born Jiufen, Taipei, Taiwan, China
  • Professional actor
  • Interest Host, perform, sing, styling
  • Collections 0 collections
  • Views 1982

Ding Guolin, born on June 30, 1967 (the birthday of the identity card is June 30, but 5/30 is her birthday), born in Xuyong County, Sichuan Province, was born in Jiufen, Taipei, Taiwan. She is a Taiwanese actress. The singer is also a makeup stylist and model. He graduated from Erxin Middle School in the field of art and crafts. He debuted in 1993 and filmed many TV dramas. His works include "The Parents of the World", "A Generation of Gods Lie Cloth", "True Love the World", "Heaven and Earth", etc. a mature actress with a hot body.

Ding Guolin () collections