Aichi Furukawa (Furukawa Airi) profile

Aichi Furukawa (Furukawa Airi) information

  • Name Aichi Furukawa (Furukawa Airi)
  • Zodiac Sagittarius
  • Height 155
  • Birthday 1989-12-13
  • Measurements B78 W59 H85
  • Born Aichi Prefecture, Japan
  • Professional Idol, singer
  • Interest Piano, chocolate
  • Collections 2 collections
  • Views 1585

Furukawa Ai (ふるかわあいり, Furukawa Airi), Japanese idol, one of the members of ske48. She is a steel bomb fan herself, and her favorite character is Shaya Aznapur. The favorite piece is the title song of 'Magic Girl Lyrical Nanoha A's', "ETERNAL BLAZE" sung by Mizuki Nana. The favorite food is chocolate. The dream of the future is to become an anime song singer. The height of the formula in the profile is 158cm, which is actually 155cm. I said, "I don't remember when it became 158cm." As a super fan of seiyuu Yuki Yuki, I accidentally participated in the radio program "Kandada's ののわたしのすきなこと" on the 20th birthday (December 13, 2009), and received the gift from Hansuke Yusuke from Kanda. The CD with my signature was used as a gift, and then I saw tears after I saw the birthday greeting message of Minjiang himself. In addition to being an idol singer, there is also a cartoonist activity, and Google+ occasionally publishes an illustration or cartoon with the theme of his own character. In June 2013, he became the special report member of the "Xia's exclusive AURIS" "ジオニックトヨタ" of Toyota Motor [9].