Yang Yazhen (Yumi) profile

Yang Yazhen (Yumi) information

  • Name Yang Yazhen (Yumi)
  • Zodiac Capricorn
  • Height 158
  • Birthday 1990-01-15
  • Measurements
  • Born Taiwan, China
  • Professional Model
  • Interest
  • Collections 0 collections
  • Views 2312

Yumi, a Taiwanese model, is originally a frequent visitor. She became famous under the guidance of a well-known photographer, the black-faced lens. At the beginning of last year, the WBC film with friends was noticed by more netizens. . There isn't much love for Yumi, but her unique neighboring girl's breath makes it a very addictive elixir for netizens. Different from Catherine's intellectual temperament image, the approachable feeling is the first impression of Yumi. It is like going back to college to go out with friends. The girls who will meet on the train are white, natural and chemically free. There is a little bit of the feeling of Dougou.

Yang Yazhen (Yumi) collections