Mu Rong (Mu Rong) profile

Mu Rong (Mu Rong) information

  • Name Mu Rong (Mu Rong)
  • Zodiac Cancer
  • Height 168
  • Birthday 1994-06-23
  • Measurements
  • Born China, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
  • Professional student
  • Interest
  • Collections 0 collections
  • Views 1501

Mu Rong has a watery and deep aura, no need to apply makeup and is very bright, good skin quality, fresh temperament, studying the business design department of Zhongyuan University of Zhongyuan University. Before Murong's uniform, Yilan High School's uniform was reprinted by netizens after the network exposure. Everyone called her "the most beautiful school flower in Taiwan" and "small Shen Jiayi." She has always liked to paint since she was a child, and she has a strong interest in art. She has also participated in the exhibition. Murong said that painting is a way of dredging, not only when you are sad, but also when you are happy! When she lives in Taipei, she wants to go to the art class for high school, so she has the courage to go to Yilan to attend the National Yilan High School. Mu Rong said that she is very close to her family. "I originally hoped that the university could stay in Taipei, but because the ideal Central Plains University is in Lieutenant, I must live in school. I think I should be homesick again."

Mu Rong (Mu Rong) collections