Yu Weiwei (Vivy) profile

Yu Weiwei (Vivy) information

  • Name Yu Weiwei (Vivy)
  • Zodiac Virgo
  • Height 177
  • Birthday 1988-09-08
  • Measurements B90(F) W64 H90
  • Born Ankang City, Shaanxi Province, China
  • Professional Actor
  • Interest
  • Collections 0 collections
  • Views 1697

Yu Weiwei, who has participated in the Miss World contest since 2009, has participated in the 63rd Miss World China Championship three times in five years, and achieved the beach beauty top10 in the 63rd World Global Finals held in Indonesia. And it was the first Chinese lady to be the leader in the dance of the world, and the dance she danced at that time was a Chinese dance of the Tang Dynasty.

Yu Weiwei (Vivy) collections