Tanaka cuisine (Tanaka Natsumi) profile

Tanaka cuisine (Tanaka Natsumi) information

  • Name Tanaka cuisine (Tanaka Natsumi)
  • Zodiac Leo
  • Height 160
  • Birthday 2000-08-10
  • Measurements
  • Born Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan
  • Professional singer
  • Interest Debate, watch comedy
  • Collections 0 collections
  • Views 1584

Tanaka Natsumi (たなかなつみ), Japanese idol singer, member of the Japanese women's idol group HKT48 Team H and SKE48 Team S. On July 10, 2011, members of the remaining 23 (three self-dismissed before the announcement) were qualified in Fukuoka HKT48. On October 23, at the AKB handshake meeting held at the Wuxi Baseball Stadium in Saitama Prefecture, Tanaka and the remaining 20 members were announced as the first members of HKT. On March 4, 2012, Team H was formed, and it was upgraded from a graduate student to a full-time member. On January 11, 2014, Iichiko Theater (iichikoグランシアタ) in Oita Prefecture "HKT48 Kyushu 7 County Tour ~ Traveling with Cute Children~" On the first day of the night performance of HKT48 Kyushu 7県ツアー~ 可爱いいにはをさせよ, Tian Zhongcai stayed at Team H on February 24th, and served as SKE48 Team S in the AKB48 Group.

Tanaka cuisine (Tanaka Natsumi) collections