虞承璇 (Phoebe Yu) profile

虞承璇 (Phoebe Yu) information

  • Name 虞承璇 (Phoebe Yu)
  • Zodiac Capricorn
  • Height 170
  • Birthday 1992-01-09
  • Measurements
  • Born Taiwan, China
  • Professional Anchor
  • Interest Eat, drink, and sleep
  • Collections 0 collections
  • Views 1181

Phoebe Yu, a Taiwanese sister, has been involved in the selection of the anchor of the TV station a while ago, and the entries have been put on the Internet, causing many netizens to resound and eventually won the review. Because of her childhood father's professional relationship, Ruan Chengyu opened her yearning for the news field. She is currently in training. I look forward to this girl with a fresh and temperament. In the future, I can successfully stand on the anchor station and see the news she broadcasts!

虞承璇 (Phoebe Yu) collections