Panasonic (Matsushita Yui) profile

Panasonic (Matsushita Yui) information

  • Name Panasonic (Matsushita Yui)
  • Zodiac Leo
  • Height 150
  • Birthday 1988-07-25
  • Measurements B73 W56 H79
  • Born Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan
  • Professional Idol, singer
  • Interest Badminton, swimming
  • Collections 0 collections
  • Views 1391

Matsushita Yusuke (Matsushita Yui), a Japanese singer, is a former member of the Japanese women's idol group "SKE48" Team S, born in Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture, and is affiliated with ピタゴラス·プロモーション. I really like pink, bunny and bear. In the blog, I mentioned that there is a rabbit named "ぅーちゃん" in the city of the Rabbit Kingdom. Sleep with a bear puppet while sleeping. Her self-preposition is also "Good Morning Pyon from the Rabbit Kingdom." In addition, according to her, the "rabbit kingdom" she often hangs on her lips is a place where all rounds are pink. The rabbit kingdom is very lively, just 5 meters from the earth. When you are in a bad mood, you often go for a walk.

Panasonic (Matsushita Yui) collections