Zhang Mengyu () profile

Zhang Mengyu () information

  • Name Zhang Mengyu ()
  • Zodiac Cancer
  • Height 175
  • Birthday 1986-07-21
  • Measurements
  • Born Beijing, China
  • Professional Actor athlete
  • Interest Play games
  • Collections 0 collections
  • Views 1612

Zhang Lanxin, actor, masterpiece "The Zodiac", the champion of Taekwondo. Won the Best Newcomer Award of the 9th China Ding Awards and the best newcomer nomination for the 32nd Hong Kong Awards. The main actor of the Jackie Chan movie "The Zodiac". Film, Jackie Chan and Huayi Brothers jointly produced, Jackie Chan's 101st action movie "The Zodiac" was released on December 20. The "12 Zodiac" was filmed in eight places across the world in five oceans and seven continents, and the filming took more than one year. In the final big action movie of Jackie Chan, Big Brother discovered a powerful female star, and she got the true biography of her older brother. She was personally taught. This person is Zhang Lanxin. "12 Zodiac" invited the former national team athletes, 2004 55 kg-level Taekwondo national champion Zhang Lanxin performance, Jackie Chan cherished the martial arts talents, specially designed for Zhang Lanxin to bridge the leg of the leg, so that all the viewers remember deeply, admire No.

Zhang Mengyu () collections