Star text () profile

Star text () information

  • Name Star text ()
  • Zodiac Libra
  • Height 165
  • Birthday 1990-10-15
  • Measurements
  • Born Taiwan, China
  • Professional Online singer, showgirl
  • Interest Singing, giving off, singing songs
  • Collections 0 collections
  • Views 1545

Star, because I like to sing, because I want more people to hear that I sing a song and want to train Japanese!! In the beginning of 2012, I silently opened the live broadcast in Nico (webcast) and in nignoto is full-time student broadcast . But if there are Taiwanese audiences, they will still speak Chinese to respond to everyone. And gradually began to be famous in Nico, Japan. Later, because of the exchange of students, I went to Japan to study in Japan from September 2012 to September 2013. I didn't expect to start a series of stars that I didn't think about. It was invited to perform on the Nico entity stage event.

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