Sugihara Apricot (Sugihara Anri) profile

Sugihara Apricot (Sugihara Anri) information

  • Name Sugihara Apricot (Sugihara Anri)
  • Zodiac Gemini
  • Height 157
  • Birthday 1982-06-12
  • Measurements B89(G) W59 H80
  • Born Toyama City, Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan
  • Professional Model, actor
  • Interest Brazilian war dance
  • Collections 19 collections
  • Views 33646

Sugihara Anri, one of Japan's most popular photo idols, belongs to FITONE, and was previously an artist of ANIMAX and Stardust Promotion. Sugihara Apricot was born in Hiroshima, Japan on June 12, 1982. He graduated from Hiroshima Prefecture Fushan Fuyang High School. After graduating from Tokyo, he decided to use his explosive body to engage in photo careers. The high-selling sales of her photo works have also made her popular, and in 2012, Sugihara was named secretary of the Hiroshima Tourism Committee. Later, in 2013, four of the top 10 works in the Japanese photo sales list came from Sugihara Apricot, and her popularity reached its peak.