Mu Yuxi (Muyuqian) profile

Mu Yuxi (Muyuqian) information

  • Name Mu Yuxi (Muyuqian)
  • Zodiac Aries
  • Height 166
  • Birthday 1988-04-15
  • Measurements B88 W59 H89
  • Born Shanghai, China
  • Professional Graphic model, singer, actor
  • Interest Travel, skiing, listening to music, reading books
  • Collections 14 collections
  • Views 33023

Mu Yuxi, a Chinese model, singer and actor, graduated from the Beijing Film Academy. Because of his appearance resembling Liu Shishi, the network became popular. It was called “Replica Liu Shishi”. The bright forehead and the quiet eyebrows are similar to Liu Shishi, who is popular in the sky. The model named Mu Yuxi was also known as the “replica of Liu Shishi” and became popular on the Internet.