Mizuki (Tama Mizuki) profile

Mizuki (Tama Mizuki) information

  • Name Mizuki (Tama Mizuki)
  • Zodiac Cancer
  • Height 152
  • Birthday 1985-07-16
  • Measurements B97(G) W72 H100
  • Born Japan Saitama-kun
  • Professional Actor, photo actress
  • Interest Piano and flute
  • Collections 9 collections
  • Views 20871

Shui Miao (Tama Mizuki) was born on July 16, 1985 in Saitama Prefecture, Japan. She is a Japanese actress and a so-called female actress. In 2005, she went to the North Village as her stage name (Bukchon) and began to participate in film and television dramas and DVDs. Accumulated a certain popularity, announced the retirement at the end of 2009. In September 2010, it was renamed the current Shuishuyu, which is now the return of Shuishuyu. After the comeback, Shuishu jade is more plump than the previous breasts and fat hips. The weight has increased to 62kg, and the waistline has also risen to 72, but the popularity is still not reduced.