Yuzuka Aikawa (Yuzuponpon) profile

Yuzuka Aikawa (Yuzuponpon) information

  • Name Yuzuka Aikawa (Yuzuponpon)
  • Zodiac Taurus
  • Height 157
  • Birthday 1983-05-16
  • Measurements B100(H) W60 H89
  • Born Niihama, Ehime Prefecture, Japan
  • Professional Actor, professional wrestling
  • Interest Shopping, games, swimming and ballet
  • Collections 6 collections
  • Views 20820

Aikawa Xing Li Ji (Ai Chuan Ji Ji), a Japanese professional wrestler and actor. Born in Niigata City, Ehime Prefecture, Japan on May 16, 1983, my father was the president of the grapefruit product manufacturing company. She studied at the Tokyo Foreign Languages School for overseas study, but was discovered by scouts near graduation. Enter the art world. In the second year, it was unveiled in the men's magazine, and the "FLASH EX" was published under the name "Caichuan". In 2009, the number of visits to blogs exceeded 20 million in just ten days, and the resignation was announced in the same year. In August 2010, a press conference was announced to announce the debut as a "wrestler" and retired in April 2013.