Kyoji Kyomoto (Yuka Kyomoto) profile

Kyoji Kyomoto (Yuka Kyomoto) information

  • Name Kyoji Kyomoto (Yuka Kyomoto)
  • Zodiac Aries
  • Height 154
  • Birthday 1986-04-06
  • Measurements B82(D) W56 H83
  • Born Nagaoka, Niigata Prefecture, Japan
  • Professional Singer, actor, model
  • Interest Walking, traveling, flute
  • Collections 6 collections
  • Views 20489

Kyomoto has a (single), Japanese singer, actor and model. She has appeared in the filming works such as "The Incredible Detectives" and "The Actress". She has a perfect body and is revealed from time to time under the pure face. A shy side, people can not help but want to pity, the slender legs, charming eyes, so charming, like a little red in the flowers.