Yoko Mitsuya (Yoko Mitsuya) profile

Yoko Mitsuya (Yoko Mitsuya) information

  • Name Yoko Mitsuya (Yoko Mitsuya)
  • Zodiac Scorpio
  • Height 167
  • Birthday 1984-11-08
  • Measurements B87(E) W59 H88
  • Born Japan Saitama Aziza city
  • Professional Actor, model
  • Interest Cooking, walking, ballet
  • Collections 4 collections
  • Views 1209

Sanjin Valley leaves (みつやようこ), Japan's famous sexy movie star, the royal sister goddess. Born in Tokyo, he moved to Shinshiro City, Saitama Prefecture. He began to learn ballet at the age of one elementary school and took this as his goal. At the age of six, he will try "ホリプロタレントスカウトキャラバン" (with Fukada Kyoko, Sakai) And won the Excellence Award. Colleagues released their photo album "BABY KISS". Since then, they have been targeting actresses. They were selected as Visual Queen when they were 15 years old, although they were connected to "Weekly YOUMP JUMP" and "Big Comics Spirits" and "Weekly". Young People's Sundae, "Weekly Youth Magazine" Japan's four major youth magazines, but also has not had the opportunity to change from a true female actress to an actor, after being selected to work in Starbucks, entered the performing arts industry and began to participate in "Tokyo University Story", "Timeliness Police 2" and other films.