Liu Naijie (Judy) profile

Liu Naijie (Judy) information

  • Name Liu Naijie (Judy)
  • Zodiac Virgo
  • Height 165
  • Birthday 1984-09-09
  • Measurements B81(B) W58 H84
  • Born Taiwan, China
  • Professional student
  • Interest Jeans, cat, coffee, travel
  • Collections 0 collections
  • Views 2136

Liu Naijie (Judy, Liu Naiji), born in Taipei, Taiwan, on September 9, 1984, currently resides in the United Kingdom. She graduated from the Department of Veterinary Medicine of National Taiwan University and was one of the five singers of Taiwan University. She was also named as "Five Ji" under the nickname "Naiji". The first one (the other four are Wu Yijie, Weng Ziman, Chen Yiyi, Yu Hanmi). Liu Naijie's facial features are refreshing and meticulous, and it is fascinating on the Internet. Netizens sealed Liu Naijie as a "Veterinarian with a fire." It is said that her pictures on the Internet have been clicked for more than 5 million in a very short period of time. Her beauty has even alerted Japan and South Korea, and the fans of the two countries who are chasing beauty are “stunned to heaven”. Moreover, in 2007, the top ten most famous and unnamed sisters also made her one of the most mysterious and beautiful online beauty. Liu Naijie also had a ugly duckling-like past. There was a photo on the Internet that was suspected of her high school period. It was really "great" like the current goddess. Therefore, the rumors about her plastic surgery have not been broken, from the nose, chin to the chest, there are people alleged to be "fake."

Liu Naijie (Judy) collections