Horikita Maki (Maki Horikita) profile

Horikita Maki (Maki Horikita) information

  • Name Horikita Maki (Maki Horikita)
  • Zodiac Libra
  • Height 160
  • Birthday 1988-10-06
  • Measurements B78(A) W58 H83
  • Born Qingyi City, Tokyo, Japan
  • Professional actor
  • Interest Muscle training
  • Collections 3 collections
  • Views 1652

堀北真希 (ほりきたまき), a popular Japanese actress. In the popular TV series "Trolley Man", he emerged and became popular because of the protagonist of the performance of the youth drama "The Wild Boar". Later, he starred and participated in many popular TV series, such as "Fraud Hunter" and "Secret Love". (Also known as "Flower Boys and Girls"), "Yu Ji", "Doctor Xiaomei", etc., has won the Japanese Theatre Academy award four times. At the same time, there are many excellent works in the film field, such as "Da Ou", "White Night", "Ghost Call 3" and so on. On December 31, 2012, together with Yu, Nakama Yukie became the host of the 63rd Red and White Song Festival.