Tanimura Mizuki (Tanimura mizuki) profile

Tanimura Mizuki (Tanimura mizuki) information

  • Name Tanimura Mizuki (Tanimura mizuki)
  • Zodiac Gemini
  • Height 158
  • Birthday 1990-06-18
  • Measurements B87(D) W56 H78
  • Born Japan Osaka Prefecture
  • Professional actor
  • Interest Watching movies, dancing
  • Collections 3 collections
  • Views 1185

Tanimura Miyuki (たにむらみつき), Japanese actress. Gu Cun Mei Yue, born on June 18, 1990, has a unique temperament. Maybe she is not eye-catching, but she can always grab the hearts of the audience. Her acting shows an extreme asymmetry with her age. In 2008, with the outstanding performances in the three films of "The Age of Lemon", "The Chaise of the Tea Tea" and "The Skull of the Skull", Tanimura Miyuki won the 3rd Best Supporting Actress Award at the Cinema Cinema Festival in Osaka.