Hoon Yoon (Son Yoon Joo) profile

Hoon Yoon (Son Yoon Joo) information

  • Name Hoon Yoon (Son Yoon Joo)
  • Zodiac Taurus
  • Height 167
  • Birthday 1992-05-07
  • Measurements
  • Born Seoul Special City, South Korea
  • Professional Model, actor
  • Interest Japanese food
  • Collections 35 collections
  • Views 60269

Sun Yunzhu (손윤주), also known as Sun Yinzhu, a popular Korean model, graduated from Cheongju University, and debuted in the ULZZANG face-like era program. Currently, he is a Korean Roer, Shescoming, Tomrabbit clothing website model, and Park Sung-soo, Dao Huizhi, and Jin Yaran are called costumes. Four models in the world. Its appearance is similar to that of Korean star Han Jiaren, so it is also very popular in Korea, and has been known as the most popular beauty in Korea.

Hoon Yoon (Son Yoon Joo) collections