Huai color (Nana Kasai) profile

Huai color (Nana Kasai) information

  • Name Huai color (Nana Kasai)
  • Zodiac Pisces
  • Height 156
  • Birthday 1984-03-07
  • Measurements B90(G) W57 H86
  • Born Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan
  • Professional Actor, singer
  • Interest Sing, travel, cooking
  • Collections 2 collections
  • Views 2400

Hua Caizhen (original name: Matsui Yoko, かさいなな) was born on March 7, 1984 in Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan, and is a Japanese actor and singer. In 2004, she won the "ぷるるんMAX" highest award. While being an actor, she also released the album CD as a singer and made a speech in person. In October 2011, he published FLASH and graduated.