Bu Nana (Bunana) profile

Bu Nana (Bunana) information

  • Name Bu Nana (Bunana)
  • Zodiac Cancer
  • Height 165
  • Birthday 1996-07-11
  • Measurements B85(B) W62 H86
  • Born Urumqi, Xinjiang, China
  • Professional Model, showgirl, anchor
  • Interest
  • Collections 1 collections
  • Views 1099

Bu Nana, a popular model in the Mainland, showgirl, graduated from the dance department of Shanghai Theatre Academy, signed a cherry artist in China, and Chinajoy2016 Xishan owner promoted showgirl. Bu Nana is a good-looking dancer with an impeccable face that will appeal to everyone. As the super-popular anchor of Tiger's live broadcast, Nana has starred in popular films such as "Judgement" and "False on the Beach", and has served as a regular guest on many online programs that otaku loves.

Bu Nana (Bunana) collections