Janie Tien Pho Suwan (Janie Thienposuwan) profile

Janie Tien Pho Suwan (Janie Thienposuwan) information

  • Name Janie Tien Pho Suwan (Janie Thienposuwan)
  • Zodiac Virgo
  • Height 167
  • Birthday 1981-09-11
  • Measurements
  • Born Thailand
  • Professional Actor, singer
  • Interest
  • Collections 0 collections
  • Views 1365

Janie Thienposuwan (????? ????????????????), a popular Thai actress, born in Los Angeles, USA, returned to Thailand at the age of 11, at the age of 13 The singer debuted and appeared in the MV, and then became popular because of the "Cupid Road". Janie graduated from the Advertising Department of the School of Art and Media of Bangkok University. Domestic netizens like to call her Jane, not the first-eye beauty, but it belongs to the type that people like more and more. She has more film and television works. It is the international brand Maybelline in Thailand. The image of the spokesperson.

Janie Tien Pho Suwan (Janie Thienposuwan) collections