SAKURA Kurahashi (Sayusa Yukura) profile

SAKURA Kurahashi (Sayusa Yukura) information

  • Name SAKURA Kurahashi (Sayusa Yukura)
  • Zodiac Capricorn
  • Height 170
  • Birthday 1986-01-10
  • Measurements B88(F) W58 H88
  • Born Aichi Prefecture, Japan
  • Professional Actor, photo idol, car model
  • Interest Driving, billiard
  • Collections 2 collections
  • Views 827

Kurashiki Satoshi is a singer (Cangqiao Sha from Pear), a Japanese actor, a photo idol, and a racing girl. In 2005, she formed a SUPER GT "ECLIPSE レースクイーン" with Matsumoto Yoshizuki and Otsuka, and debuted as a racing girl. In 2008, I became a member of the "Weekly ストリートチャンネル" (TOKYO MX) and the women's entertainer football team "carezza".