He Yanjuan (Katherine Ho) profile

He Yanjuan (Katherine Ho) information

  • Name He Yanjuan (Katherine Ho)
  • Zodiac Capricorn
  • Height 165
  • Birthday 1992-01-01
  • Measurements B81 W58 H84
  • Born China Hong Kong
  • Professional actor
  • Interest Travel, skiing, yoga, dancing
  • Collections 0 collections
  • Views 1276

Katherine Ho, the third runner-up of Hong Kong in 2014, was born in Hong Kong in 1992. She was a student at the age of 22 and was promoted to the third place in the Miss Hong Kong. After the night of Laurel, Miss Hong Kong, the third runner-up of Hong Kong, was accused of stepping on two boats. Someone who broke the news said that He Yanjuan had contacted both of them at the same time, and both of them were doctors. According to this rumor, He Yanjuan said that he did not interact with doctors. He only knew a lot of friends in his life, so he had a good relationship and was misunderstood. He would not step on two boats.

He Yanjuan (Katherine Ho) collections