Guo Huini (Ninis) profile

Guo Huini (Ninis) information

  • Name Guo Huini (Ninis)
  • Zodiac Leo
  • Height 169
  • Birthday 1983-08-17
  • Measurements B81(C) W61 H86
  • Born Nantou, Taiwan, China
  • Professional Anchor, host, showgirl
  • Interest Grilled meat, travel, photo, food
  • Collections 0 collections
  • Views 1495

Speaking of the background of the anchor Guo Huini, many people will not think that she is a network beauty that has risen from the Internet. After the earliest unnamed photo album was created, Guo Huini ranked first in the cumulative popularity ranking with Ninis's account nickname. At that time, there were few unnamed members, the users were very simple, the members were mostly college students, and the college students at that time were very simple. The type of girl she likes is like a pure and natural girl next door to Ninis. The innocent and unpretentious temperament makes her quickly blush, and she is also invited by many photographers. In June 2012, the news anchor group was returned to the magazine again. Participating in the signature program of the era, Shen Chunhua presided over the behind-the-scenes production and media observation group of "Looking at the World from Taiwan."

Guo Huini (Ninis) collections