Xia Da (April) profile

Xia Da (April) information

  • Name Xia Da (April)
  • Zodiac Aries
  • Height 158
  • Birthday 1981-04-04
  • Measurements
  • Born Huaihua, Hunan, China
  • Professional cartoonist
  • Interest
  • Collections 0 collections
  • Views 1167

April, female, famous Chinese cartoonist. Born in Huaihua, Hunan on April 4, 1981, he graduated from the Department of Art and Design of Changsha University of Science and Technology and now lives in Hangzhou. Her comic book "Zi Bu Yu" was officially launched in Japan after being highly recommended by the editor-in-chief of the Japanese Shueisha, and the famous comic editor Matsui Sakamoto. It was serialized with the top Japanese comic masters in the comic magazine "ULTRA JUMP". It became the first original manga in the mainland to enter Japan's top comic magazine after being popular in China. Before becoming famous, Xia Da was engaged in book binding and poster design. He has worked as an editor in print advertising design and video advertising. He has published in a number of comic book magazines.

Xia Da (April) collections