Kanzaki Shiori (Shiori Kanzaki) profile

Kanzaki Shiori (Shiori Kanzaki) information

  • Name Kanzaki Shiori (Shiori Kanzaki)
  • Zodiac Virgo
  • Height 172
  • Birthday 1987-09-22
  • Measurements B87(D) W66 H89
  • Born Umeda Kita-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka
  • Professional actor
  • Interest Shopping
  • Collections 1 collections
  • Views 1339

Kanzaki Shiori (Kanzaki Shiori, かんざきしおり), former Japanese actress, Osaka University, and the higher school graduated. When I was in the first grade of the middle school, I received a grand prize for the interview of the model of the "ピチレモン". In the three rounds of the real beauty of the art for the reader model debut, in 2001, the actress debut, and then active in the TV series and film industry. Retired in 2009.