Miku Hōka (Miki Honoka) profile

Miku Hōka (Miki Honoka) information

  • Name Miku Hōka (Miki Honoka)
  • Zodiac Pisces
  • Height 156
  • Birthday 1997-03-07
  • Measurements
  • Born Chiba Prefecture, Japan
  • Professional Actor, model
  • Interest
  • Collections 1 collections
  • Views 1278

In the future, Musk, a Japanese actor and model, was born on March 7, 1997 in Chiba Prefecture, Japan, and belongs to Ever Green Entertainment. In 2008, when he went to Disney with his family, he was discovered by scouts. In 2009, he debuted as the exclusive model of love berry. In 2010, she starred in the movie "The Madonna is on" for the first time. In 2013, she starred in the TV series "A Kiss and Love" for the first time.