Haruka Tomatsu (Tomatsu Haruka) profile

Haruka Tomatsu (Tomatsu Haruka) information

  • Name Haruka Tomatsu (Tomatsu Haruka)
  • Zodiac Aquarius
  • Height 164
  • Birthday 1990-02-04
  • Measurements
  • Born Ichinomiya, Aichi Prefecture, Japan
  • Professional Voice actor, singer, actor
  • Interest Cuisine, suit
  • Collections 1 collections
  • Views 1479

Husong Yaoyao (戸松遥, とまつはるか), popular Japanese singer, singer, actor, Music Ray'n belongs. Hu Songyao has the characteristics of being a young girl or an adult woman. She is a colorful voice. She plays a lot of roles, such as cheerful girls and arrogant girls, but sometimes she plays a frivolous role. It is a villain. Because of his own age and the voice of tension, he is basically more inclined to perform cheerful and lively girls, but sometimes he will perform like a mature lady or a mysterious character, and the performance range is very broad.