AIIMI IKEMATSU (Aimi Ikenaga) profile

AIIMI IKEMATSU (Aimi Ikenaga) information

  • Name AIIMI IKEMATSU (Aimi Ikenaga)
  • Zodiac Taurus
  • Height 158
  • Birthday 1993-04-24
  • Measurements B85(F) W58 H83
  • Born Shinjuku City, Tokyo, Japan
  • Professional Actor, seiyuu, painter
  • Interest Drawing, chess, games, violin, piano
  • Collections 1 collections
  • Views 2044

いけながあいみ, the old stage name Ikei Matsuzaka, Japanese actress, seiyuu, painter, from Tokyo, TBS Broadcasting School, graduated from Central University, member of the ☆ Magic Women's Sergeant, was shortlisted for the 2015 Bartenders Draft. In high school, I used to live in Canada. I should be fluent in English. I starred in the Korean drama "The Fugitive" as OL.