Maho Nojima (Maho Nonami) profile

Maho Nojima (Maho Nonami) information

  • Name Maho Nojima (Maho Nonami)
  • Zodiac Taurus
  • Height 166
  • Birthday 1980-05-13
  • Measurements B82(B) W58 H86
  • Born Tokyo, Japan
  • Professional Actor, stylist
  • Interest Camera, fashion
  • Collections 1 collections
  • Views 1638

Nobu Ma Ma (のなみまほ), a Japanese actor and stylist, is affiliated to Dongbao Yeneng Co., Ltd., and is a graduate of the School of Liberal Women's College and the higher school. In the "4th Dongbao Cinderella" draft won the highest award as an opportunity to start performing arts activities. Later, he won the 22nd Japan Oscar Awards Newcomer Awards Actress Award, the 24th Reward Film Festival Newcomer Award, and the 8th Japan Film Critics Awards Newcomer Award. In 2001, he became the main performance film "Case Yamako KAKASHI" for the first time, and later became a resident actress of TBS. In addition to her acting career, she has many other jobs, such as stylists who have worked for Nagasawa Masami, and also worked as a DJ.