Sonin (Sonim) profile

Sonin (Sonim) information

  • Name Sonin (Sonim)
  • Zodiac Pisces
  • Height 159
  • Birthday 1983-03-10
  • Measurements B88 W60 H87
  • Born Kochi Prefecture, South Korea
  • Professional Singer, model
  • Interest Korean, making pastry
  • Collections 2 collections
  • Views 1453

Ikebukuro (Sonim), a well-known Korean singer, model, and actor from Korea, was born in Kochi Prefecture, graduated from Kobe North Korea's No. 1 Intermediate School, Kobe North Korea Senior School, and Tokyo Metropolitan Shinjuku High School, and received the 40th time. Gold Arrow Award Music Newcomer Award, and appeared in many film and television dramas. In December 2012, he returned to New York in January 2014 due to the overseas training of the New Hall of Culture, and the termination of the art activities.