Cho Min-young (Cho Min Yeong) profile

Cho Min-young (Cho Min Yeong) information

  • Name Cho Min-young (Cho Min Yeong)
  • Zodiac Pisces
  • Height 160
  • Birthday 1986-03-14
  • Measurements
  • Born Seoul Special City, South Korea
  • Professional Plane model
  • Interest
  • Collections 2 collections
  • Views 2981

Zhao Minying (조민영, Cho Min Yeong), also translated as Zhao Minying, Korean popular network red man, plane model, is also the manager of the School look-based YUBSSHOP online store. Zhao Minying has a devilish figure and a delicate baby face that burst into the Internet in 2013. Now she can see that her life in her Instagram is still very colorful, and there are still many netizens tracking her, so on the Internet. It is still common to discuss her article.