Huang In-ji (Hwang In Ji) profile

Huang In-ji (Hwang In Ji) information

  • Name Huang In-ji (Hwang In Ji)
  • Zodiac Aries
  • Height 170
  • Birthday 1983-03-23
  • Measurements B86(D) W63 H94
  • Born Seoul, Korea
  • Professional Model, car model
  • Interest Watching movies, skating
  • Collections 0 collections
  • Views 1650

Under the premise of rapid economic development and rising national income, car models are becoming more and more professional. In the Asian circle, South Korea and China are the first to start with the eye-catching and exposure of the car model. The reason for the network survey is roughly three reasons: squatting, leaning over, and throwing chest. But when China’s first car model beast was born, the fans’ eyes were bright, and the original Jingmei was so charming and charming. As a result, a new model storm has emerged in South Korea, showing a quiet and feminine theme. As you know, Lin Zhihui, Huang Meiji and Li Zhiyou are known as the three most sexy sexy car models in Korea today, and her stand out is beyond the predecessors.

Huang In-ji (Hwang In Ji) collections