Kim So-eun (Kim So-eun) profile

Kim So-eun (Kim So-eun) information

  • Name Kim So-eun (Kim So-eun)
  • Zodiac Virgo
  • Height 163
  • Birthday 1989-09-06
  • Measurements
  • Born Gyeonggi-do, South Korea
  • Professional actor
  • Interest
  • Collections 0 collections
  • Views 1540

Kim So-eun, formerly known as Jin Zhaoxi, a Korean actor, graduated from the Central University of Korea, and her skis reached the level of “national representative athlete speed”. In the second year of junior high school, Jin Suen, who debuted through the shooting advertisement, later showed his acting skills in the TV series "Sister Sea" and "Sad Love Song". In the movie "Flying, Dad", he played the only child of the 39-year-old careful eyed father Zheng Jiabi. In the 2009 TV series "Flower Man", he was very prominent with the "smooth and energetic charm" and the professionalism of the skater. Later, he won the 2012 MBC Performance Award Newcomer Award in the performance of "Ma Ma". .

Kim So-eun (Kim So-eun) collections