Jin Minwei (Kim Min Jung) profile

Jin Minwei (Kim Min Jung) information

  • Name Jin Minwei (Kim Min Jung)
  • Zodiac Leo
  • Height 167
  • Birthday 1982-07-30
  • Measurements
  • Born Seoul, South Korea, South Korea
  • Professional actor
  • Interest
  • Collections 0 collections
  • Views 1439

Kim Min Ho (Korean: ???), born on July 30, 1982, a Korean actress, a child star who debuted at the age of 8. The young Jin Minjun is already a "predecessor" in the Korean entertainment industry. Because of its beauty and natural acting, it has been recognized by many audiences. Although the body is petite, but full of charm, age is not big, but mature. Kim Min Ho is an actor who has a common opinion and has worked hard on performances. Popularity in the 2005 "Fashion 70s" is so popular. In 2008, with the TV series "New Heart" to create a career peak. Now in the film, TV series have a good performance, and won a lot of awards.

Jin Minwei (Kim Min Jung) collections