An Soehui (Ahn So-hee) profile

An Soehui (Ahn So-hee) information

  • Name An Soehui (Ahn So-hee)
  • Zodiac Cancer
  • Height 165
  • Birthday 1992-06-27
  • Measurements
  • Born Gwangju Metropolitan City, South Korea
  • Professional singer
  • Interest
  • Collections 0 collections
  • Views 1579

Ahn SoHee, a member of the famous women's group of women in Korea. In the team as the deputy lead singer and image endorsement. Due to the quiet character, there is less talk in the interview, and sometimes being questioned by the host on the show will be scared by a small one. Outstanding dance, sometimes cute and sometimes sexy, she is full of charm, full of national sister Zhao Xi, due to the buns face, the captain of the first art has taken the nickname of "Shantou" for her, since then Zhao Xi is the girl. Zhao Xi is not disliked to talk, just quiet. Currently active as an actor and singer, it is a powerful girl with super potential. On February 10, 2014, Zhao Xi officially signed a bh brokerage company, and Li Bingxian Han Jiaren, the official transformation of the actors began activities, the future performance is very attractive.

An Soehui (Ahn So-hee) collections