Kim Hyo-jung (Hyorin) profile

Kim Hyo-jung (Hyorin) information

  • Name Kim Hyo-jung (Hyorin)
  • Zodiac Capricorn
  • Height 164
  • Birthday 1991-01-11
  • Measurements
  • Born Incheon, South Korea
  • Professional Singer, actor
  • Interest
  • Collections 0 collections
  • Views 1753

Jin Xiaojing (???, Hyorin), a Korean female singer and actor, graduated from Honest Women's University. On June 4, 2010, Jin Xiaojing officially debuted; in the same year, he joined the women's pop music group Sistar, which was launched by the brokerage company StarShip Entertainment. In 2011, together with Yin Baola, a group of 2 members was formed by Sistar 19. On November 26, 2013, the first personal regular album "LOVE & HATE" was released. Once the album was released, the two main songs "One WayLove" and "Lonely" were released. Get one of a number of music shows. Jin Xiaojing participated in the JYP Entertainment talent show before the official debut, and became a trainee of JYP Entertainment Company with the first place.

Kim Hyo-jung (Hyorin) collections