Chen Tianxin (Eunice Chan) profile

Chen Tianxin (Eunice Chan) information

  • Name Chen Tianxin (Eunice Chan)
  • Zodiac
  • Height 0
  • Birthday 1993-05-21
  • Measurements
  • Born New Taipei City, China
  • Professional Piano teacher, anchor
  • Interest Fitness, play, music, movies, food
  • Collections 1 collections
  • Views 556

Chen Tianxin Eunice, Taiwan beauty piano teacher, sweet core orchestra hosted the event planning, specializing in classical and jazz piano, keyboard self-singing. Because of his fierceness, he once made a sensation on the special edition of the forum table. He was the most correct piano teacher. He was a singer and event host in the wedding and the tail, and he had a high popularity on the Internet.