Yu Yuanzhi (Chenyuanzhi) profile

Yu Yuanzhi (Chenyuanzhi) information

  • Name Yu Yuanzhi (Chenyuanzhi)
  • Zodiac Taurus
  • Height 165
  • Birthday 1991-05-13
  • Measurements
  • Born Hechi, Guangxi, China
  • Professional Graphic model, singer
  • Interest Video, music
  • Collections 6 collections
  • Views 22534

Yu Yuqiao, the old art name of Yu Yuanzhi, the Chinese mainland plane model, actor, from Hexi, Guangxi, China-Thai mixed-race, Buyi, is the all-round artist of Guangzhou Yiyi Culture Communication Company. Representative works include "Love who drink this wine, you have to get drunk." In 2014, it became popular again with the “Little South” network. In 2015, with the "king of the electric" Wang Haolong "signed the "Midnight DJ> exclusive singing agreement and then cooperated with the first album will be released in late 2016.