Li Junru (Corrine) profile

Li Junru (Corrine) information

  • Name Li Junru (Corrine)
  • Zodiac Aries
  • Height 150
  • Birthday 1992-04-12
  • Measurements B81(D) W56 H84
  • Born Taiwan, China
  • Professional Model
  • Interest Watch movie
  • Collections 1 collections
  • Views 1354

Corrine, nicknamed Creamer, Taiwan's popular model, has a disproportionately large eyes, with a pointed chin, like a real Barbie, can not accumulate fans on the Internet. As a model for sexy underwear, wearing black satin sexy pajamas, according to the news from Taiwan News Network, the creamer is a net shot of Madou, and often attends the major exhibitions, and turns to the development of the TV circle, including the help of Guoguang. "", "Dance of the Dance", "Mobile Star Paradise", "Dance of the World" and other programs, she has her figure, every time the water is wide, always impressive.