Xu Fei (Blank) profile

Xu Fei (Blank) information

  • Name Xu Fei (Blank)
  • Zodiac Scorpio
  • Height 162
  • Birthday 1985-11-11
  • Measurements
  • Born Jilin Province, China
  • Professional singer
  • Interest
  • Collections 15 collections
  • Views 2110

Xu Fei, a female singer from the Mainland. Graduated from the Music Department of the People's Liberation Army Art Academy. In 2006, he participated in the Super Girl Changsha singing area competition, and won the third place in the singing area and the sixth in the country. In September of the same year, the first individual single "Summer of the Year" was released. In 2007, the first personal EP "Maybe, Fly" was released. In 2008, the first solo album "Currently Young" was released. At the end of 2010, Xu Fei guitar private school was founded. On June 24, 2012, he released his own album "Xu Fei". In 2013, we successfully held a national performance tour of “We will eventually travel hand in hand” and received wide acclaim.