Talcy Salsa (Talcy) profile

Talcy Salsa (Talcy) information

  • Name Talcy Salsa (Talcy)
  • Zodiac
  • Height 168
  • Birthday
  • Measurements B81(F) W61 H91
  • Born Taipei, Taiwan, China
  • Professional Model
  • Interest Yoga
  • Collections 2 collections
  • Views 1638

Talcy Salsa, Taiwan mixed-race model, street corner beauty, she has Dutch descent, deep fascinating eyes, more bloody body, sturdy and sloping S curve. The university was discovered as a model because of its eye-catching appearance, and there were many magazine covers and advertisements. She used to not exercise very much, but she has been deeply fascinated since she experienced the feeling of sweating in overheated yoga with her friends. She has to take at least three classes a week.