Zhao Weixin (Wylie Chiu) profile

Zhao Weixin (Wylie Chiu) information

  • Name Zhao Weixin (Wylie Chiu)
  • Zodiac Scorpio
  • Height 172
  • Birthday 1987-11-08
  • Measurements B91(D) W64 H89
  • Born China Hong Kong
  • Professional Model, actor
  • Interest
  • Collections 0 collections
  • Views 1582

Wylie Chiu, formerly known as Zhao Weixin, model and actor in Hong Kong, China, debuted in 2006, often participated in the film club activities, and also shot print ads for major brands. In the same year, she began to be familiar with the hard-shooting advertisements for Hang Seng Bank, and she also had the title of 'Heng Seng Sister'. Later, in December 2007, he was brought into the business. During her participation in the concert of Gigi Leung, she was discovered by the big-name entertainment manager that the climate participated in the new TV series "dressing dance love combat" and officially became a TV entertainer. During the screening of the show, coincident with the exhibition, Zhao Shuozhi launched the virgin swimsuit photo "Zhao Shuozhi Xia", which became a popular focus for a time. During the signature meeting, there were fans who were too enthusiastic and forced to lie. . It is also the fifth place in the Top Ten People in the 2008 Hong Kong Network.

Zhao Weixin (Wylie Chiu) collections