Zheng Yuting, Chen Yiling (Candy) profile

Zheng Yuting, Chen Yiling (Candy) information

  • Name Zheng Yuting, Chen Yiling (Candy)
  • Zodiac Capricorn
  • Height 155
  • Birthday 1993-01-03
  • Measurements
  • Born Zhongli City, Taoyuan County, Taiwan, China
  • Professional Model
  • Interest Dance
  • Collections 0 collections
  • Views 1349

Si Ya, formerly known as Zheng Yuting, Chen Yiling, old stage name candy, Taiwanese woman idol, one of the members of the Twinko group. In 2007, he graduated from Zhongqiang City, Taoyuan County, and he was a native of Xinbei City. He was transferred to Xinbei City, where he was transferred to Xinbei City. He was one of the youngest and the youngest. I once revealed that I have one-eighth of Dutch descent in my program. I have a younger brother who is three years younger. She is not a member of the first generation of Black Girl, nor is she a dance undergraduate, but she has a high popularity with her beautiful appearance and superb dance. She is good at ballet, sexy dance and modern dance.

Zheng Yuting, Chen Yiling (Candy) collections