Mo Jiaqi (Athene) profile

Mo Jiaqi (Athene) information

  • Name Mo Jiaqi (Athene)
  • Zodiac Cancer
  • Height 173
  • Birthday 1985-06-25
  • Measurements B86 W66 H90
  • Born Shandong China
  • Professional Bank accountant, model
  • Interest Sing, dance, calligraphy, performance, songwriting, writing
  • Collections 0 collections
  • Views 1182

Athene, a network of Chinese mainlanders, has also been selected as one of the top ten beautiful girls in the network in 2007, becoming the goddess of countless otaku. In her own video, she will dress herself up as a Western beauty, using the post-production system to make a sly effect, and half-masking makes people really curious about her true face. With a quarter of Russian descent, she has the same enviable figure as the Russian girl, with a deep three-dimensional silhouette and a height of nearly 175cm. I also used to endorse a game with Han Han and advertised an affair. The costume editor of "Men's Wear" was very interested in her when she saw her photos circulating on the Internet and invited her to take a cover photo.

Mo Jiaqi (Athene) collections