Tian Niu (Tianniu) profile

Tian Niu (Tianniu) information

  • Name Tian Niu (Tianniu)
  • Zodiac
  • Height 173
  • Birthday
  • Measurements B96(D) W61 H93
  • Born Beijing China
  • Professional Plane model
  • Interest
  • Collections 2 collections
  • Views 16484

Tian Niu, the headline goddess model, is a human breast with a breast and a fat hip. She grew taller than other children when she was a child. In the sixth grade, she suddenly found herself a big girl, far from full age. The child, the teacher who was shaking when he was running in the gym class, was snickered by the male classmate. It was a bit embarrassing. However, now that he is an adult, this advantage that can be envied by the surrounding sisters is his pride.