Ebisu Sakura (Sakura Ebinuma) profile

Ebisu Sakura (Sakura Ebinuma) information

  • Name Ebisu Sakura (Sakura Ebinuma)
  • Zodiac Scorpio
  • Height 169
  • Birthday 1998-11-18
  • Measurements B82 W60 H87
  • Born Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan
  • Professional Model
  • Interest Yoga, walking, movies, music, half-length bath
  • Collections 1 collections
  • Views 1481

Hailao Marsh Sakura (Hai Monguma), a Japanese model, was born in Kanagawa Prefecture, and is the exclusive model of the popular magazine CanCam. Hailao Marsh has 10 years of ballet experience. She is tall and good at basketball. She used to be the best player in the city. Although she is still a high school, she has become a TORAY "Dongli" swimsuit proverb, and she is also optimistic about CanCam. excellent.